
Over the years we have built up a large selection of manuals in English covering the popular types, if the manual you require is not mentioned we will most likely be able to obtain and translate to English with all original pictures retained.

All manuals can be purchased individually or compiled onto CD for the type concerned.

  • YAK-3 Flight manual with aerobatics and air combat, colour pictures to every page £60 approx €70
  • YAK-3 Technical description £100 approx €130
  • YAK-11 Technical description and maintenance part (a) £100 approx €130
  • YAK-11 Parts manual pictorial. part (b) £100 approx €130
  • YAK-11 Flight manual with aerobatics and air combat, pictures to every page. £100 approx €130
  • YAK-12M or A Flight manual with drawings to every page. £60 approx €70
  • YAK-18T Flight manual, tech description, operations manual , parts manual, engine, 5 books Paper & CD $250/ £150
  • YAK-50 Maintenance manual. £200 with 100 hrs life extension schedule
  • YAK-50 Technical description £60 approx €70
  • M14P Engine manual £60 approx €70
  • YAK-50 DOSAAF flight manual without colour pictures £60 approx €70
  • YAK-52 electrical schematics 77 pages. £30 
  • YAK 52 DOSAAF flight manual with colour pictures to every page £60
  • YAK-52 Maintenance – £200
  • YAK-52 Maintenance – including 600 hrs inspection schedule as issued by Yak Design Buro – £600
  • YAK-52 Parts manuals x 2. – £60
  • M14P Engine manual – £60
  • ALL YAK 52 manuals discounted to £320, approx $480 or €370 excluding 600 hrs life extension manual.
  • YAK-55 Flight manual, Maintenance and tech description, (engine on CD) paper only others. $250/ £150
  • M14P engine and parts £60
  • AN-2 check lists, FOC. Flight and full maintenance books £300
  • Siemens engine manual for Jungmeister. FOC
  • S-4U Russian parachute packing manual $40/ £25
  • L-29 Set of manuals, all you need to certify the aircraft 11 in total. Paper £500



Take note of what the leaders say from the Baltics. They had to live with the terror of ruzzia for many years and know all the tricks the scum use.

"BREAKING: Donald Trump says he'd 'absolutely' consider taking the U.S. out of NATO.

This reckless move would destabilize global security and empower authoritarian regimes.

RT if you think this would be insane.

Countries are not rich in proportion to their natural resources. If they were, Russia would now be the richest country in the world. Angola would be very rich, and there are many other countries which have a lot of natural resources but they have not had an enterprise economy to…

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