Aerostars YAK-50’s photos

Mark Jefferies flew with the Aerostars (and coined the team name in 1998) in formation positions3,5,6 & 7. This being right side and in box. Currently Marks team the Global Stars flies Extras in shows World wide.

This page will be populated with the Aerostars pictures as time permits. For more detailed video and booking information for the show go to









"BREAKING: Donald Trump says he'd 'absolutely' consider taking the U.S. out of NATO.

This reckless move would destabilize global security and empower authoritarian regimes.

RT if you think this would be insane.

Countries are not rich in proportion to their natural resources. If they were, Russia would now be the richest country in the world. Angola would be very rich, and there are many other countries which have a lot of natural resources but they have not had an enterprise economy to…

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